Firstly – thank you for wanting to help and for exploring this far.
Secondly – no, you don’t have to run a single step yourself (unless you really want to!)
Sponsors, donors and supporters are to Run4Humanity what clean water is to the communities we serve – we simply couldn’t survive and thrive without you. Whether you’re a multinational corporate, or an individual, small business, school, club or community group – there’s a role you can play in helping us to bring clean water to needy communities. Each and every contribution makes a difference.
You’re a company that wants to give back. You take CSR seriously. Maybe you operate a ‘profit, planet, people’, triple bottom line. You know that giving is not just the right thing to do, it’s good business too.
Donate goods or services
We can’t run our projects without the essentials – we’re looking for sponsors who can donate the following, in return for recognition on our website and in all our publicity:
Running shoes
Running clothing
Energy drinks, gels
Vehicles – motorhome, truck
Fuel for vehicles
Camping equipment, tents
Medications, first aid equipment
Mobile phone, satellite phone
Travel insurance
Promotion and marketing
Venues for talks
Advertising and PR

Corporate Sponsorship and Match Donation

Make Run4Humanity your corporate charity. Or run a Match Donation Program with your staff. This is where you invite your employees to donate to Run4Humanity, and let them know that for every dollar they donate, the company will match it. Staff feel engaged, part of something important - and they feel great about you as an employer!

Buy the Book
​Vero’s personal story is an inspiring one, telling how a life-changing childhood experience set her on her mission to help others, and how her running adventure took her from 2nd hand treadmill to world-beating champion! When you buy the book, you’re be helping bring Vero’s clean water dream to reality, with all proceeds going to Run4Humanity.

Event organisers
Book Vero as a speaker
Veronique is not just an amazing runner and humanitarian; she tells a story that inspires others to be their very best. In Vero’s talk, ‘Fearless’, she shares her own personal story: how the timid, isolated kid had a near-death experience that released her from fear, and set her on the path to taking challenges that would otherwise have been beyond her wildest dreams. She talks about how letting go of fear is the key to true achievement – whatever your goal. Her story reaches far beyond running, and explains how each and every one of us can set ourselves free from fear, and face and overcome our challenges.
Vero speaks to leaders, to teams, to the fearful, to the bold – and everyone leaves the experience the better for it.
All proceeds from Veronique’s speaking go to Run4Humanity.